EVIDENCES OF TURNING AWAY FROM THE LORD'S WILL IN OUR LIVES (Revelation 2:2-5) 1 Losing our sense of dependence of needing God when our needs are satisfied; therefore, feeling selfsufficient. A common cause of "backsliding." (See Philippians 4:4-7,19) 2 When our delight in the Lord is no longer as great as our delight in someone or something else. (Psalm 37:3-5) 3 When our thoughts during leisure moments do not reflect on the Lord and Lordship of Jesus Christ. (Psalm 1:2-3) 4 When we claim to be "only human" and easily give in or give up to those things that we know displease the Lord Jesus and are, thus, sin. (Mark 12:30- 31 : John 14:21-24) 5 When we view the commands of Christ as restrictions to our happiness rather than expressions of His Love. (Micah 6:8 : John 15:9-11) 6 When we no longer desire and look forward to our time alone with Jesus. (Psalm 42:1-2) 7 When we fail to share Christ and His Word with others because we feel "unprepared," "inadequate," Ashamed, afraid of rejection, or by refusal to obey. (Mark 8:38 : Jonah 1) :::: End of Text ::::::